
 金针花 性寒

  • 味甘,解毒消肿、清热利尿
    • 注意:新鲜金针花要完全煮熟方可食用

素馨花 – 性平

  • 味苦,调经止痛,行气解郁
  • 适合生活压力大引致的肝气不舒、胃胀腹痛
  • 月经不调、痛经和都可以素馨花泡茶作舒缓
    • 注意:准备怀孕的妇女慎食素馨花


Flowers To Clear heat And Nourish The Liver

Orange daylily - Cold In Nature

  • Sweet taste, detoxification, and clearing away heat and diuresis
    • Caution: Fresh golden lily flowers must be fully cooked before eating

Jasminum - Mild In Nature

  • Bitter Taste, regulate menstruation, and relieve pain
  • Promote Qi, and help to relieve depression
  • Suitable for bloating and abdominal pain caused by life pressure, irregular menstruation, and dysmenorrhea
    • Caution: Women who prepare for pregnancy should avoid taking Jasminum