米水问答 Rice Water Q&A



1. 可否空腹饮用?


Can Rice Water be consumed on an empty stomach?
It can be consumed at any time.

Can Rice Water be consumed only during a specific period of time?
The recommended consuming time provided is the best time for the body to absorb rice water, but in fact, it can be consumed at any time.


2. “大姨妈”(经期)探访可否饮用?

Can Rice Water be consumed during menstruation?


3. 感冒可否饮用?

Can Rice Water be consumed when feeling sick?
Yes, it is more effective for patients with diarrhea.


4. 小孩可否饮用?
1- 12 岁小孩建议饮用薏苡仁米水(成分:红米、白米、薏米)。

Can Rice Water be consumed by children?
Children ages 1 - 12 are recommended to consume Barley Rice Water (Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, and Coix Seed).



5. 米水一日饮用量是否限量?
可饮用 1 - 3 包米水,建议每日至少 1 包。

Is there a daily consumption limit of Rice Water?
You may consume 1 - 3 packs of Rice Water, and it is recommended to consume at least 1 pack/day.


6. 如何冲泡米水?

A. 即冲即溶法

加入 200 - 300 毫升的温开水冲泡米水

B. 反复冲泡法

  • 准备 500 - 800 毫升的保温瓶
  • 把米水放进该保温瓶,加入 500 - 800 毫升的温开水,上下摇晃至均匀
  • 适量加入冰糖/红糖/红枣,静待 5 - 10 分钟,米水渣沉淀,倒出米水享用
  • 可反复冲泡米水渣,直至味淡
建议:适用于「  薏苡仁米水  」

C. 味觉升华法

在烹煮任何一种 Good Life 360 的养身汤包时加入一包薏苡仁米水,使汤水浓稠,增添天然的米香味
建议:适用于「  薏苡仁米水  」

How to brew Rice Water?

A. Instant Soluble Method

Add 200 - 300 ml of warm water to brew with rice water
Recommendation: All kinds of Rice Water & Rice Milk

B. Brew Repeatedly Method

  • Prepare a 500 - 800 ml thermos flask
  • Put rice water into the thermos, add 500 - 800 ml of warm water, shake until it mixed evenly
  • Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar / brown sugar / red dates based on your preference, wait for 5 - 10 minutes for rice water sediment to settle to the bottom, pour out the rice water and enjoy
  • Repeat the steps above with rice water sediment until they run out of flavor

Recommendation: Barley Rice Water

C. Palate Improvement Method

Add a pack of Barley Rice Water while cooking any kinds of Good Life 360's Herbal Soup Pack to thicken the soup
Recommendation: Barley Rice Water 


7. 可否睡前冲泡待隔日晨起饮用?

Can Rice Water be brewed before going to bed and then consume the next morning?
It is not recommended to do so. The brewed rice water should be consumed on the day as it does not contains any additives/preservatives.


8. 冲泡米水后内含未溶解的粉能否饮用?

Can undissolved powder in brewed rice water be consumed?
The ingredients of Rice Water is composed of red rice, white rice, and coix seed powder, which are neutral in nature and edible.


9. 饮用米水感觉精神?

Feeling energetic after consuming Rice Water?
Rice Water helps to regulate our Spleen and Stomach and improves their functions to get rid of fatigue symptom.