您的肝是否健康 • Is Your Liver Healthy

- 肝火旺就会眼红干涩
- 肝血不足会出现视力减退、双眼干涩
- 眼白泛黄的人多数与肝病有关,例如肝炎、肝硬化等。
- 饮食清淡,多吃甘味(即淡味)食物及绿色蔬菜
- 少吃油腻辛辣食物,戒烟酒
- 保持心境开朗
- 进行适量带氧运动及伸展运动,有助帮助放松心情
- 想养好肝就要有充足睡眠,晚上11时前入睡令肝可以进行排毒工作
Is Your Liver Healthy
Generally, Western medicine will check whether the liver function index is normal by drawing blood, but traditional Chinese medicine can judge the physiological function of the liver by observing the eyes, nails, and hair.
From the perspective of Chinese medicine, "the liver is corresponding the eyes", if:
- If the liver fire is exuberant, your eyes will be red and dry
- Insufficient liver blood will cause poor vision and dry eyes
- People with yellow eyes are mostly related to liver diseases, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the liver is responsible for the tendons, and "reflect is in the nails." The health of the nails is also closely related to the liver because the nails depend on the liver's essence and blood.
The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that hair is an extension of blood. Therefore, the health of the hair can also reflect the health of the liver. Older people have insufficient liver blood and kidney qi deficiency, and the hair becomes pale and thin, and people with anemia also will lose hair frequently.
Tips to take note
- Eat a light diet, eat more green vegetables
- Eat less greasy and spicy food, quit smoking and alcohol
- Keep a cheerful mind
- Perform moderate aerobic exercise and stretching exercises to help relax the mood
- If you want to nourish the liver, you must have enough sleep, and falling asleep before 11 p.m. will allow the liver to detoxify.