『生蛇 』 调护小贴士 • Nursing Tips For Shingles

从中医的角度来看,“生蛇” 和 心情不舒,心情过于压抑,肝气郁结,气郁化火等情志内伤都会导致肝胆火毒,循经外溢皮肤,发为疱疹。
- 洗澡时水温不过热
- 要有充足的睡眠, 不熬夜
- 要学会放松心情, 学会释放压力/压抑
- 避免进食发物如茄子、蘑菇、有壳海鲜等
- 穿宽松柔软的衣物
- 及早发现,及早治疗
Nursing Tips For Shingles
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, "Shingles" happen is related to depressed mood, stagnation of liver qi, stagnation of qi to transform fire and other emotional internal injuries can lead to liver and gallbladder fire poisoning, overflowing skin through the meridian, and developing Shingles.
The affected area is covered with red herpes, and it will also cause fever, itching, and tingling. Because it grows in a band along the body's nerves, it is medically called "shingles". Another reason that induces shingles, such as damp-heat accumulation in the body, heat toxin invasion, spleen deficiency, and dampness, or qi deficiency and blood stasis, etc.
It is painful and uncomfortable when the shingles happen, and the mood will be more depressed. The more stressful the mood, the more serious the shingles will be.
Therefore, if you suspect that you have shingles signs and symptoms, seek for medical attention immediately.
Nursing tips
- The water is not too hot when taking a bath
- Have enough sleep and don’t stay up late
- Learn to relax, learn to release stress/depression
- Avoid eating food such as eggplant, mushrooms, shellfish, etc.
- Wear loose, soft clothing
- Early detection, early treatment