血虚症状您有几个 • How Many Symptoms Of Blood Deficiency Do You Have

所以女生更应该好好的调养身子哦,毕竟身体健康就是最好的化妆品了 !
血虚体质常见症状 (近一个月)
- 脱发、头发欠光泽
- 面色无光泽、偏白、嘴唇色淡
- 多梦、容易醒、失眠
- 便秘(偏硬)
- 月经量少、停经、颜色淡红
- 皮肤痒和干燥
- 指甲容易折断
- 健忘
- 容易头晕、劳动一下就感到天旋地转
- 容易害怕,心跳容易加速
- 手脚容易麻痹
- 0-2个症状
身体还算OK ! 但是还需适当的调理身子
- 3-6个症状
- 7-11个症状
严重血虚 !不可以在吃生冷、油腻的食物了,应该要适量进食滋养补血、调补肝肾的食物
- 功效:补血养胃、助眠安神、红润面色
How many symptoms of blood deficiency do you have
Girls are more prone to blood deficiency than boys because every month “Aunt” will come to say hi!
So girls should take good care of their bodies, after all, good health is the best cosmetics!
Want to know if you have a blood deficiency body condition?
- Hair loss, lack of luster
- Pale complexion, pale lips
- Dreamy, easy to wake up, insomnia
- Constipation (harder stool)
- Low menstrual flow, menopause, light red color
- Itchy and dry skin
- Nails break easily
- forgetful
- It's easy to get dizzy and feel like the sky spins after a workout
- Easy to be afraid, the heartbeat is easy to speed up
- Always feeling numbness of hands and feet
Result analysis
- 0-2 symptoms
Your body is OK! But you still need proper take care of your body.
- 3-6 symptoms
You have a blood deficiency physique! Should eat appropriate amounts of longan, red dates, red beans, Lingzhi, and other qi and blood foods that improve symptoms.
- 7-11 symptoms
Severe blood deficiency! Don’t eat raw, cold, greasy foods. You should eat foods that nourish the blood, regulate liver and kidney in moderation.
Recommended rice water
【Red bean rice water】
- Efficacy: nourishing blood and stomach, helping sleep, calming mind and pale complexion