治 “富贵手”,调护有三法

从中医的角度来说 “富贵手” 又称为“主妇湿疹”,病因源自于内在“气血亏虚、体液不足”。日常应秉持 “脾胃调理” 、“清淡饮食” 以及 “手部防护”

“富贵手” 并不会传染,轻则指尖脱皮,重则整个掌纹消失、干燥。当患者一旦洗手或是使用清洁剂,往往会使脆弱的皮肤因过度刺激,而產生发炎红肿的现象。

1. 脾胃调理 


✔ 甘平清淡、益气补血的食材

X 性质寒凉的食物 — 气血循环变弱
X 燥热辛辣的食物 — 皮肤发炎更厉害

2. 清淡饮食

✔ 适合食用甘平清淡的食物:

    • 主食 — 米饭、豆腐、豆浆,还有鸡、鱼、猪瘦肉,以及鸡蛋
    • 水果 — 樱桃、葡萄、苹果、芭乐、木瓜、地瓜和柳橙
    • 蔬菜 — 菠菜、红萝卜、空心菜和花椰菜都是平性易消化吸收的食材,平常可多食用

X 不宜多吃的食物 — 苦瓜、黄瓜、丝瓜、哈密瓜这些“瓜”字辈,也都归类在寒冷类,大白菜、白萝卜、绿豆、番茄和水梨,建议不宜多吃

3. 手部防护




There Are Three Ways To Control "Housewife Eczema"

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, "Housewife Eczema" is also called "Rich Hands". The cause of the disease is from the internal body due to "Deficiency of qi and blood and insufficient body fluids".

"Rich hands" are not contagious, ranging from peeling fingertips to dry palm lines. Once the patient washes his hands or uses detergents, the fragile skin often becomes inflamed and swollen due to excessive stimulation.

1. Regulate Spleen and Stomach

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the most important thing in treating rich hands is to "regulate the spleen and stomach, nourish yin and nourish blood", because the spleen governs the limbs and is the source of blood. The kidneys govern the transformation of qi and can help the spleen to transport qi and blood.
The spleen and kidney functions are well regulated so that the qi and blood can move smoothly, and the hands and feet can naturally get sufficient qi and blood nourishment.

✔ Ingredients that are bland and light, suitable for nourishing qi and blood
X Food with cold nature-weakened blood circulation
X Hot and spicy food- causing skin inflammation more severe


2. Light Diet

✔ Cherries, grapes, apples, and guavas in fruits. Spinach, carrots, water spinach, and cauliflower in vegetables are all easy to digest and absorb and can be eaten more often. 

✔ Rice, tofu, soy milk, chicken, fish, meat, and eggs are also suitable foods of this type.

✔ Papaya, sweet potato and orange are mild.

Bitter gourds, cucumber, loofah, and cantaloupe are also classified as cold. There are also Chinese cabbage, white radish, mung beans, tomatoes, and pears. It is not recommended to eat more.


3.Hand protection

The best protection is to let your hands get adequate rest. It is recommended that patients with rich hands reduce the frequency of touching the water, irritants, and washing hands. Because the surface layer of the hand skin can no longer retain water, the water will evaporate quickly after washing your hands, resulting in "washing and drying". If you want to touch the water, you must wear gloves.
At the same time, avoid washing your hands with hot or cold water, warm water is best. Keep your hands away from the wind or sun when outdoors.

To reduce direct skin contact with irritants, such as various detergents and chemical solvents. If you find peeling or the disappearance of fingerprints and palm prints cannot improve with hand cream, you must seek medical attention.