Valid until 30th SEP, while stocks last.
购买4袋养胃米水米奶(500克),赠送1罐生活茶疗 / 1盒养胃米水米奶
Purchase 4 Pouch Rice Water / Rice Milk, FREE 1 Jar Healing Tea OR 1 Box Rice Water / Rice Milk
** 优惠券不可与其他促销、优惠和折扣同时使用 **
消脂解腻 Chubby |
Fats reducing and indigestion relieving |
别在熬夜 Stay Up All Night |
Heat clearing, Yin nourishing and eyesight improving |
温暖您 Warm You |
Dispel cold and keep warm |
补气养血 Boost Qi & Blood |
补益气血 Qi And Blood Replenishing |
好热气 I'm Heat |
清热解毒 Heat clearing and toxic eliminating |
身体浮肿 Edema |
健脾袪湿 Spleen strengthening and Dampness dispelling |
消化不良 Stuffed |
消滞 Indigestion relieving |
疏肝放松 Calm & Relax |
行气解郁 Promote Qi flow and relieve emotional distress |
喉咙不适 Dry Throat |
清肺利咽 Lung clearing and throat soothing |
我失眠 Difficulty Falling Sleep |
宁心安神 Heart and mind (Spirit) calming |
Healing Tea
包装 Packaging | 10 独立茶包 Tea Bags / 罐 Jar |
保质期 Shelf Life |
90 天 Days |
冷藏 Refrigeration | 180 天 Days |
储存 Storage |
置于阴凉、通风、乾燥处,避免阳光直射。 Store in a cool, well-ventilated and dry place, avoid direct sunlight. |